
Ribbon 2

Improve your label printing quality

We provide a wide range of ribbon tapes with different specifications and strengths for all our customers' needs. We have high-quality solutions according to your needs.

Our sales agents have extensive technical knowledge to make sure that you purchase the most suitable product for your business needs and reduce downtime.

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Get to know our products


Resin ribbon

For printing on paper, synthetics, and plastics, our resin ribbon offers high durability and resistance to liquid products even at extreme temperatures.

Textile Ribbon

The best choice for garment label applications with washing instructions.



Wax ribbon

Ideal for stores that require printing on paper or cardboard labels and do not require high durability and high-temperature resistance.

Wax-resin ribbon

Increased durability and quality for printing on paper and synthetic materials such as pharmaceuticals. Scratch and stain-resistant.


Request a quote

A member of our team of consultants will contact you to understand your needs thoroughly. We will be pleased to answer your questions as promptly.

A little more of what we offer


Contact Us


We strive to provide you with the best experience by employing our label printing expertise along with a dedicated team to deliver the highest quality products

  • Dirección

    Rojo Gómez Nº 5, San Andres Atenco, Tlalnepantla de Baz, Edo. México 54040.

  • Teléfono

    +52 55 50 26 29 29

  • Whatsapp

    +52 55 7908 4100

  • Email


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